Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to my table

My first experience with cooking was with old Miss Samson when it was compulsory for all the girls to learn Home Science. Most of the time was spent in the Cookery Lab as it was called, with the fan whirring in the back ground while Miss Samson droned on and on about culinary terms. Starting from A is for Acetic Acid till Z is for Zest. I can't remember how many pages of such terms we wrote and what purpose it all served for none of us as far as I remember went on to become master chefs or even gourmet cooks.

All that we were really interested in was the fact that we could escape from Quadratic Equations and the flying chalks of Mr. Lewis which we faced in the period just before Home Science. That and the fact that once in a month, we would actually be able to try our hand at cooking!

Little did I know then, that the knowledge learned in Miss Samson's classes would eventually be all that I would carry with me throughout my life.

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